
to reign with light

Saturday, January 14, 2012


The more I watch my self, the more I take the role of the silent witness, and through this, can learn about my self. The more I learn about my self, the more I step into the role of my true, higher Self. The more I step into my higher Self, the more I accept my divinity, my connection to the Whole, my participation in Reality. The more I grow, the more I ascend and raise my vibration. The more I raise my vibration, the more I participate in raising the vibration of the Whole. The more I help raise the vibration of the Whole, the more power the Whole gives me to continue to raise the vibration and heal the Whole. When that is my highest intention, prayer and purpose I can do no wrong. The Universe responds and brings me more opportunity to continue the cycle of death and rebirth to ascend with the Universe and be a positive force of love, healing, compassion and truth. This growth is sustained by the Universe providing me the means to live and continue following my heart and letting it lead me towards abundance. Living this way is win-win. Surrendering judgements, labeling, and attachment to all outcome creates an even stronger connection to faith, and Spirit. Understanding that Spirit works in mysterious ways and so we must unveil or ideas of how we can experience a joyful, loving, blissful life. Life can be seen as a continual practice of falling gracefully through the layers of self to finally arrive at Self, if we are diligent in our living a life's message of integrity. Let go and let God. Live life fully without fear. Be a warrior of the light by committing to continually hunt down the darkness and making light of it. See every moment as an opportunity to live your deepest purpose. Follow your heart towards living a life of love and compassion, within and without. Connect to Spirit to walk in the light of Truth. Let the air calm the fluctuation of thought and bring you stillness of the mind. Let the firm, dynamic Earth beneath you teach you un-attachment and bring you strength, support, grounding and steadiness. Let the penetrating Sun warm your heart. Let the flowing waters bring you stillness. These are the medicines, both within and without. Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin. To all my relations. Misla aya kolo! I love you! I stand in your honor and intend positive change, healing, love, light, peace, Truth & Oneness. I vow to honor you always by following a Spiritual path led by the light. Ekae. It is good.

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