
to reign with light

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bundhas or Energetic Locks

Here are a few bundhas or energetic locks used in a physical yoga practice that I have found to be very helpful, in fact they have revolutionized my yoga practice. I hope you enjoy them.

mula (root lock): appropriately named, this energetic lock is Located in the muladhara/root chakra. engagement of this bundha during asana and pranayama practices can help turn the normal downward, or apana, flowing energy in an upwards, or prana, flowing direction. it is this upward flowing energy that frees the latent, potential energy of the jiva, or soul, called kundalini. Unleashing the kundalini from the base of the spine upwards brings our consciousness closer to god, closer to reaching samadhi, or enlightenment. a bundha is an energetic lock and not an actual physical location in the body, however we can begin to feel its subtleties by accessing specific locations in the physical body. to find this bundha find your pelvic floor muscles and practice squeezing the genitals and the anus together and separately. notice a “pulling up” and in sensation and you lift the pelvic floor. then notice a more subtle energetic ring, or sphincter, about 3 inches up and in between the genitals and the anus, this is the mula bundha. Lift in and up on mula bundha to prevent the energy created in your yoga practice, and aimed at attaining enlightenment, from escaping out through the root chakra. at first you may want to work with engaging this bundha only on the exhales, and gradually evolve your yoga practice to involve mula bundha throughout the entire asana and pranayama portion of class. this bundahs physical purpose is to create strength and lightness in your physical practice, as well as supporting the length and structure of the lumbar spine.

uddiyana (abdominal lock): engaging this lock connects our emotions, and creativity towards our heart center, and physically it strengthens the abdominals and supports the thoracic spine. this energetic lock is also sometimes called “the flying up and in lock.” this description more accurately describes the action one takes to perform this lock. to engage this bundha pull the naval straight back towards the spine and lift it slightly up towards the rib cage. I like to envision a tiny little bird has flown into my naval and its destination is my rib cage.

jalandhara (chin lock): this energetic lock exists within the throat chakra and connects your ability to speak your truth with your heart center. This bundha also has the physical purpose of lengthening and supporting the cervical spine. to activate this bundha lengthen the base of your skull skyward and press your chin straight back into the front of your throat. Make it comfortable!

Maha (The great seal): is the engagement of the three previous bundhas all at once. Typically, multiple bundhas should be engaged from the bottom up and released from the top, down. engagement of the great seal brings the practitioner focus, allowing one to rest more fully into the present moment and into stillness of the mind. It also balances doshas (or aryuvedic constitutions), chakras (energy centers) as well as unties energetic granthis (knots). when the great seal is in place, the vayus (winds) within the body are directed through the nadis (energetic pathways) through muladhara (root) chakra and into the opening of the sushumna nadi (central energetic pathway from root to crown. when energy is running in this direction, enlightenment is a possibility.

hri bundha (heart or core lock): this energetic lock is to be obtained once mastery of maha bundha is attained. this lock allows for a soft open heart that is supported by a strong and lengthened spine. to activate the lock grow your spine up and out your pelvis, engage mula, uddiyana and jalandhara bundhas, pull your front and back ribs in and down, squeeze your lower tips of your shoulder blades into towards the kidneys and slide them down your back, inflate your chest, and lengthen up through all sides of your torso. imploring hri budha reverses a tendency to close down the heart, and lets us practice opening our hearts and share our love with the universe in a vulnerable and fearless way.

jivha (tongue lock): pressing the tip of your hardened front tip of your tongue onto the roof of your mouth, just behind the teeth. engagement of this bundha locks the throat chakra towards the anja & crown chakra, connecting the power of speaking your truth toward intuition and connection to spirit.

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