
to reign with light

Monday, August 30, 2010


J. Krishnamurti - Think On These Things - “To know one’s mind is a basic purpose of education. From the moment you were born: your impressions and influences have gradually conditioned and shaped you into who you are right now in order to have you “fit in” to a societal pattern. True revolution is to break away from this pattern & to inquire outside it. Breaking through deeply embedded tradition, dogma, indoctrination and authority to shake off the conditioning that holds your mind will set you free. Free beyond what is known and documented.”

Friday, August 27, 2010


Karma is your path of least resistance, & when you can overcome it, it becomes the way to salvation or enlightenment.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Give and take

To everything in life there is a balance of opposites. Nature consistently fluctuates between form and formless, give and take and light and dark. Between these opposites there is no good or bad, they are just different forms of the same thing.
How many times have you given expecting something in return? On a deeply unconscious level, many of us give to get. Embarrassing as it may be, when we shine light on this, we can begin to change it. We create our own reality through the awakened and unawakened parts of our conscious and unconscious.
Giving to get often leads to disappointment when our expectations are not fully met. Trying to control something so unpredictable is a waste of your time and energy.
The universe/God is so much bigger and more powerful than we could ever imagine. So why project our limited viewpoints into our experience here on earth? When you drop the limitations on what you receive from the universe, you never know what you’ll get. Practice humility in your everyday life by giving with absolutely no expectations for return.
On your mat, you can practice humility for staying completely present. In your life’s journey, let go and let God. Namaste!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Freedom From the Known - J. Krishnamurti

‎"What can be described is the known, and the freedom from the known can come into being only when there is a dying every day to the known, to the hurts, the flatteries, to all the images you have made, to all your experiences-dying every day so that the brain cells themselves become fresh, young, innocent." -J. Krishnamurti, "Freedom From the Known"


The universe conserves the laws of opposites. Our thoughts, our words our actions all contribute to this change. Positive attracts positive & negative attracts negative. The energy that you share with the universe matters. There is a flux to everything in life, so things are always naturally transitioning between one opposite to the other until that part of us arrives at an equilibrium.
Change happens within every moment & that change is not always perceived as good by us. But, all is perfect in god’s eyes and so we, even with our perceived flaws, are also perfect. Perfect meaning we are whole, meaning we are part of it, part of the universe and therefore, part of God.

abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah / tada drastu svarupe 'vastanam

“The fluctuations of the mind are restrained through practice and non-attachment... Then the seer abides in his true nature.”
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: Book 1, Sutra 12 / Book 1, Sutra 3

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


‎"Our personality is a stepping stone to a greater consciousness...you set the personality aside to allow the next phase of consciousness to unfold."-Enneagram, Helen Palmer.