
to reign with light

Monday, April 18, 2011

Full Moon In Libra 4/17/2011 - Release Prayer

I let go of my fear in the possibility of being rejected & feeling not enough & of my discomfort in going inward (pratyahara). I release my control in the timing for when a another great love will come into my life. For now, I dance with the Divine and the One is my lover. I trust faith & clarity to light my path. I invoke Guru Ganesha to rid me of the habits that no longer serve me on my path. Ahimsa for myself & for the world I am a part of. I want contentment (santosha) with what I have & where I am at in my asana-pranayama practice & in my life.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Freshen up your asana...

Having a beginner’s mind in yoga is a beautiful thing. A beginner may not have the body awareness that a seasoned yogi may have, but what they lack in awareness they make up for in willingness to try. A good teacher instructs from the present moment and, therefore, will queue a little bit differently in each class.
In addition, each teacher has something different to bring to their students based on their personality, life experience, etc., and this flavors their teaching. Staying in the present moment and following instructions from moment to moment during class breeds opportunity for expansion in your yoga practice. As the saying goes... if you do things the way you’ve always done them, what you’ll get is what you’ve always gotten.
Another way you can keep your beginner’s mind fresh is with where you place your mat in class. I have noticed many yoga practitioners arrive early to class to”get their spot.” Instead of placing your mat down in the same spot, pick a new spot each time. Keeping your surroundings new and fresh will also help you break old patterns, even if it means you are in the sun, the air is stuffy or a higher temperature. Adding new elements to deal with each time will help you step out of your comfort zone in more ways than just the physical.
Above all, a yoga practice of any kind is better than no practice, so take my words lightly. As with all lessons learned on the mat, you may end up taking this freshness into work or at home. Oh, the possibilities!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tales from a Goddess...

Standing firm in that which I am I breath in...
soaking all that is me from within and from without...
I welcome the transformation & can feel its coming...
wrapped up in the moment I smile...
warmth from my heart lighting me up from inside beaming outward...
radiating onto, awakening, encouraging & inviting all in its path to let their lights shine brightly...
I am totally me & love my Self, my God-Self that I knew was always there, but now is my Lover...
My Lover & I stroll along merrily, stopping at all things that spark our curiosity...
Always connected to & receiving guidance from the Divine, the Lover, the Guest, the One, Spirit, reality...
Everything is, was & always has been exactly as it should be...
Releasing what no longer serves me, embracing what's left behind...
Remaining open to the next step in my path, faithful to the One...
Promising that if clear, I will take it...take that next step...
Loving life...