
to reign with light

Friday, August 29, 2014

Journey To Self Love (Month-long Outline)

Journey To Self Love

WEEK #1: Sept 1-6th 
1: Opening/Intention Setting CEREMONY
2: 8-Limbs/Yamas: AHIMSA (Pamper Your Self)
3: 8-Limbs/Yamas: SATYA (Check In
4: 8-Limbs/Yamas: ASTEYA (Gift Your Self)
5: 8-Limbs/Yamas: BRAMACHARYA (Refrain)

6: 8-Limbs/Yamas: APARIGRAHA (List of Why You Love Your Self & Love Note)

Week #2: Sept 7-13th 
7: 8-Limbs/Niyamas: SAUCHA (Cleanse)
8: 8-Limbs/Niyamas: SANTOSHA (Affirmation)
9: 8-Limbs/Niyamas: TAPAS (Writing Exercise on Judgement)
10: 8-Limbs/Niyamas: SVADHYAYA (Sacred Texts)
11: 8-Limbs/Niyamas: ISVARA PRANIDHANA (Surrender)
12: 8-Limbs: ASANA (Poses)
13: 8-Limbs: PRANAYAMA (Breath Work)

Week #3: Sept 14-20th 
14: 8-Limbs: PRATYAHARA (Streamline)
15: 8-Limbs: DHARANA (Focus Desires)
16: 8-Limbs: DHYANA (Meditation)
17: 8-Limbs: SAMADHI (Oneness - Writing Exercise on Masculine & Feminine in You)
18: Nurture Your Self
19: Embrace the Unknown
20: Media Black Out

Week #4: Sept 20-27th 
21: Adventure
22: Do something that scares you
23: Dance
24: Dream Big
25: Date Night
26: “Power of Vulnerability”
27: Listen Deeply

Week #5: Sept 28-20th
28: Truth Speaking
29: Wedding Bouquet & Ring Selection
30: Wedding Ceremony

Journey To Self Love

Many people jump from one relationship to the next without taking the time to pause and return to themselves to heal, learn from their past relationships, and assess how to best move forward.

This is so important!

Every relationship we have acts as a mirror and the more we open ourselves up, the more it hurts if things don't work out.

This phenomenon is not even necessarily connected to time.

The level of depth in which we open ourselves up to is directly correlated to how much hurt we experience.

Yes, it has a lot to do with how it ends... was there clarity on both ends as to why it ended?  Was there compassion in how it ended? Was it you who ended it or them?  If it was them, did there reason have to do with you or was it on them?  Did they cheat or did they ends things cleanly?

And still, how it ends and how that feels has a lot to do with how deeply you opened to love.

And so, it is extremely important to heal from the letdown before opening to someone else.

Otherwise, your next relationship will most likely not work out and the fallout will have a compounding affect.

This phenomenon is actually true for any unprocessed event in your life.

If un-dealt with, the emotions fester and the next similar trigger will stir up the same story, and same emotions, only now the story has a much larger history.

As Sigmund Freud so adequately put, "Unexpressed emotions will never die.  They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."

Child-Parent and love relationships, are intricately woven.

Often times the patterns we repeat in love, stem from as far back as childhood and, if you believe in reincarnation, previous lifetimes.

So the unprocessed pain and inability to break free from the pattern can often time have the weight of lifetimes of history repeating itself.

Your chaos is ancient.

If you don't take the time to heal, you take all your old baggage that didn't work before and with the heavy weight of lifetimes of that which did not work out, you dump it into the lap of your new partner and somehow expect it to work.

As Albert Einstein ingeniously puts it, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over, but expecting a different result."

When we hold the vibration of the victim, we attract other victims.

As Dr. Sandra D. Wilson so simply puts, "hurt people hurt people."

This concept should be familiar, it is called the "Universal Law of Attraction."

When we hold the vibration of the healer, we attract those who are also healed.

Wouldn't it be nice to break free of this ancient cycle and begin to attract healers instead of victims?

How do we break free from the cycle?

The answer is simple and yet one of the toughest things to do.


One of my favorite quotes comes from the 13 Grandmothers and says "The hardest journey is from your head to your heart, but once you get there, you'll know who you are."

In shedding the light of our own consciousness of our repeating patterns and their origin, then forgiving ourselves, and those who have triggered the wound, we automatically change our vibration from that of the victim to that of the healer.

In order to help take this journey from head (victim) to heart (healer), I have devised a 30 Day Challenge I am calling "Journey To Self Love."

I will post the challenges daily on this blog, with the possible exception of Sept 20 & 21st when I will possible by off the grid and without internet as part of the challenge.

On these dates, I will post the challenges ahead of time on the 19th.

For a more interactive experience, please follow me on Instagram: @serralynnsmick

I will post daily there with pictures and can't wait to see your daily posts & shared experience as you take this journey with me & all other IG participants.

Because this challenge will entail some planning ahead, I will give you the month layout as well as weekly layouts so you can make sure to make time & space & acquire the necessary items & quiet time for these daily activities.

My next post will give the month-long plan

Lead with your heart,

 <3 Serra