
to reign with light

Thursday, October 20, 2011

India's 6 Darshanas (Philosophical Systems/Points of View)

Together these 6 philosophical components provide a comprehensive system for understanding metaphysical, religious, sacred and profane realities, as well as a means for attaining liberation from the Ego in order to experience enlightenment. These 6 points of view incude the following...

Samkhya (the oldest): founded by Kapila around 700-600 B.C. This is the essence of yoga & defines the language of yoga. This system deals with spiritual & metaphysical purposes of human existence by utilizing reading, contemplation & meditation and yoga practice in order to understand the many different aspects of our being; spiritual, mental and physical. Purusha (consciousness) & Prakriti (nature), two of the elements are the source from which all that exists arose. Within prakriti lies three foundational types of energy, called the maha-gunas; tamas (inertia & decay), rajas (momentum & desire) & sattva (balance, luminosity & knowledge), as well as the three elements of the mind; buddhi (higher mind connecting Self with divinity), manas (lower mind connecting self with material world through senses), & ahamkara (Ego resides between the higher and lower mind). Also included are the 5 tanmatras (the 5 senses), 5 karmendriyas (5 organs of action; tongue, hands, legs, reproductive, & exctretory), 5 jnanendriyas (5 sense organs; ears, skin, eyes, tongue, & nose), and 5 mahabhutas (5 elements or states of matter; earth or solids, water or liquids, fire or transformation, air and prana—and space or void).

Yoga: founded by Patanjali around 300 B.C. & is a practical application that deals with both the spiritual & metaphysical purposes of human existence. Yoga chitta vritta nirodhaha, meaning yoga is for the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind. It is a system of tools that enable the yogi to dissolve the ego, sharpen body, mind & spirit and possibly even reach samadhi (enlightenment).

Vedanta: founded by Vyasa around 200 B.C. & deals with spiritual & metaphysical purposes of human existence. Is a religious philosophy recognizing our individual divinity through our connection to all of existence and honoring and respecting all religious paths as leading to the One.

Nyaya: founded by Guatama around 150 B.C. & provides an explanation of the universe based on observation. Is a philosophy using logic to recognize & obliterate the illusion of our physical form and life, including all sorrows that arise from life, in order to reach liberation of the soul, or enlightenment. Through four sources of valid knowledge (perception, inference, comparison & verbal testimony) one gains knowledge of the 16 categories (means & objects of valid knowledge, doubt, purpose, example, conclusion, the constituents of syllogism, argumentation, ascertainment, debate, disputations, destructive criticism, fallacy, quibble, refutations, as well as points of the opponents defeat).

Vaisesika: founded by Kanada around 200 A.D. & provides an explanation of the universe based on observation. This philosophy works from the principle that all objects of the known universe can be reduced down to a finite number of atoms, whose orientation & orchestration are guided by a Supreme Being. Through two sources of valid knowledge (perception & inference).

Purva Mimamsa: founded by Jaimini around 200-250 A.D. & defines rules for interpreting ancient Vedic (truth) texts as well as meaning, justification, & significance for following the rules of the texts.

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