
to reign with light

Monday, September 26, 2011

Heart Wide Open: a heart opening medititation

My most favorite, most satisfying, most heart-filling meditation to do involves opening your heart wide open to interact with and accept the whole Universe into your heart without hesitation or fear. This meditation can be done anywhere and anytime. It is a good way to view the present moment with clarity, and to progress.
To begin, get comfortable and try to relax your body as much as possible, feel the ground beneath you and visualize roots growing from your body into the earth as you grow the spine tall and allow your crown chakra to remain open. Breath open through and soften the front body, especially the heart center, Anahata chakra. Imagine your heart center opening wide with each inhale to interact with and connect to the Universe, and love what you find. Let the feeling of wholeness and Universal love tickle and warm your soul. As you exhale allow the heart to close back in and take a moment to accept love into your heart. Feel the fullness of love and then do it again. Continue inhaling to open and exhaling to close, breathing the whole Universe in and out through your heart. If a bit of darkness is revealed to you, feel the resistance it causes as you try to open to the Universe and breath open to break the resistance up and out of your heart until it is gone. As you do this see the truth about what is revealed to you and ask yourself tough questions. Validate, forgive, and accept it into your heart and let it go. Each moment, live and breath open into your true life’s path and love every single moment of it, no matter how dark or tough it gets.

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