
to reign with light

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fall In Love with God

     We may call many places home in our lives, and where we make that decision, and connection comes from the heart.  Home is where the heart is.  We may go through many rites of passage in our lives, play many roles, take up many different habits and hobbies, and go through many different jobs and preferences.  Throughout the changes, there is one thing that remains constant throughout our entire existence and that is our soul, the center of our Being, our essence, and the One who experiences all the many seasons of our life. Our soul is formless and detached from the changes we experience. It is our Ego that personalizes our experience and leads us to suffering.  Our Ego roots us into this physical world, and prevents us from experiencing our divine, formless nature.  There is a journey that takes place in going from the outermost shell of our experience, the Ego, inwards towards the divine Self that is aware of and connected to God throughout all time and space.  God lives in the tabernacle of our heart, where we call Home.

     Making the journey from the outer, individual self, inwards to the divine Self entails sinking down into the shadows our own sub, and unconscious mind, through the many layers of Ego and identify. Ego is anything not happening in the present moment. It is not the noticing that comes from Ego, rather it is the recognition, reaction and response that is born from the noticing. Ego creates story. Unbiased and diligent study are required in order to understand the Ego. 
     To study Ego, create a strong, honest, consistent and present discipline of noticing the Ego. As we go further and further down the rabbit hole of our own consciousness, we will discover that Ego gets curiouser and curiouser. Through studying the turbulence of our Ego, we illuminate the darkness within, connect to the peaceful, powerful and all knowing light of consciousness within and contribute an even more radiant light to Universal light. As we make the journey through the layers of Ego, we will fall more and more in love with our Self.  When we fall in love with our Self, we intrinsically fall in love with God.  Falling in love with God is the way Home.

     We can choose to illuminate our path through spreading love and light through our every thought, emotion, word and action.  This is the next step.  Its a journey! Beyond the deep, intimate, gut and soul wrenching shadow work that helps us descend into our own individual hearts, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, a bright light. Once we are there, we are totally connected to the collective heart. Each and everyone of us is our own greatest guru, or teacher. Walking a spiritual path, a brightly lit path, means living in the present, and therefore viewing everything as a blessing. When the time is right, and we feel like sharing with the right person who is ready to receive our information, we share our path through shadow work towards love.  Move from the heart and we can do no wrong. 

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