
to reign with light

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The song of the Sylvapolitan

I am the earth I am
I am the opening heart I am
I am the sky I am
I am the endless expanse of awareness I am
I am the starlight of eternity I am
I am the moonlight of presence I am
I am the sunshine of life I am
I am the thunder of being I am
I am the lightening of passions I am
I am the rainfall of tears I am
I am the winds of forgiveness I am
I am the sparkling morning dew of laughter I am
I am the clouds of life passing I am
I am the rainbow of memories and futures to come I am
I am caves I am
I am deep deep sleep I am
I am luminous fish in dark pools I am
I am dreams of remembrance I am
I am crystals I am
I am life awakening to myself I am
I am rivers I am
I am the running pulse of procreation I am
I am waterfalls I am
I am orgasmic joy I am
I am fields and forests I am
I am fertility, nourishment, and growth I am
I am deserts and arid lands I am
I am patience and the burning will of perseverance I am
I am rocky shores I am
I am life in transition I am
I am hurricanes I am
I am trust and surrender I am
I am strong ocean currents I am
I am life in the flow I am
My tribe is creation
The earth is my clan
All that exist here are my people
I am the flowering of forever I am
In the garden of the Divine family of creation
Pachamama Prayer (in Quechua)
Pacha mama mucha napin
Yuya rinchis mama tay tay - ta
Wasin chista allun chista
Munas canchis kow sai nin chista
Mother Earth, on the altar with reverence
We remember you, mother, and father sky
Our home, our family
We love you, for giving us our lives

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