
to reign with light

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


When we are unable to experience the world in our own authentic way as children, conflict arises. This conflict results in a non-physical wound and becomes a part of us. A wound can become a strength or a weakness.
Developing our strengths as well as our weaknesses is part of our greater purpose. To find your wounds, look to your deepest and most persistent frustrations and ask yourself honestly what you have done with each of them. For example, does it annoy you when people are late? How do you feel and react? Does it remind of a conflict that arose during childhood? Have your frustrations become your greatest strength or your greatest weakness?
Each feeling, thought, and action holds a particular vibration. To Forgive is to let go of the past to live in the present. To begin the path of forgiveness is to raise your vibration and must start with yourself and then those who have unconsciously wounded you. Confront your past with honesty, openness and willingness to forgive, and grow from the experience.
The next step is change. If you often put off low vibrations such as hate, judgement, fear, shame, guilt and control you can change by simply switching to higher vibrations such as divine connectedness, joy, love, acceptance, truth, compassion and forgiveness. The universal law of attraction states that what goes around comes around or like attracts like. Happy Holidays and may your path be filled with love, light and lots of forgiveness!

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