
to reign with light

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Intuitive Force

I was in a class the last night & had to write about my experience because it was very special & unique to me. It was a really great class that seemed to be focused on truth & connecting with intuition as the voice of God interpreted by you. The very last thing we did was connect our index fingers together. The right hand was facing palm out and the left palm in. We were instructed to raise the connected index fingers right in front of our third eye, close our eyes about 95% and see our fingers with our third eye. The breath was two strokes in with the mouth and two out with the nose. We did this for what seemed like 10 minutes but was more accurately 3-4 minutes. After awhile I began to feel a bit dizzy, but kept at it. I then began to feel my whole body. I am talking my whole body all at once. The instructor kept talking and I felt as if God was speaking through him, saying exactly what I needed to hear in each moment. I kept going, I then began to feel every pain but not in a bad way, in a way that made me feel more alive than ever. It was a reminder that I was human and at the same time a reminder that I was more than my body. I felt my shoulder injury, that the middle of my spine was out of alignment, that my left middle rib was suffering from this subluxation, that my right hip flexor was aching, that the front of my left hip was tight due to my sacrum being also out of alignment, I felt my knees aching & the pads of my feet get really hot. At the same time that I felt all of this I knew that I had the capacity to heal myself & I was able to call upon all of my bodily aches and pains all at once and intend healing for myself. It was like I was giving myself permission to let go of the pain and knew that it was my choice to hold on to it for whatever reason. After class I felt completely blissed out, at peace and more powerful than ever. Boy! What an amazing experience.

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